I'm in the middle of making over our bedroom. When we first moved in, the wall behind the bed was this beige color but the rest of the room was an ivory. I wanted to make it light and airy, so I painted it to...
Here is where it was last week (minus a pillow, I had already washed that case and didn't want to stuff it again for the picture). You'll have to excuse our curtain/blinds, the girls broke the middle one and we're anxious to change them anyway, so we're not going to bother trying to fix them.
I wanted to make it more oceanside like, you know, white comforter, poppy, punchy colors for accents. Hopefully some blue or ocean pics. We got a new cheap duvet, thank you Target (and it's the 2nd biggest I could find, hooray!) and some pillows from Ross and TJ Maxx (DKNY blue ones, I love them!).
Now I need to finally nail down a duvet cover and find some cheap euro shams to cover the pillows. The only problem with the duvets I've found is that they're all but one too small for my comforter. One is only two inches short, so I think I'll go for it anyway. I'm SOO excited!
Q: What would you do for wall color? Do you think a dark one would suck the light out?
When we moved into our new apartment, we decided to go with an accent wall that the complex would paint for us (so we didn't have to worry about re-painting when we move). They gave me about 5 options and I decided for this dark, olive green. I absolutely love the color, but it really does suck the light out of our living room.
Long story short, we're glad that we learned this lesson with an apartment and not our house, and we will never paint a wall that dark again.
PS- I really love your blog! It's so fun!
Dark would suck the light out. But depending on the mood you want, it could work for you. If you want romantic/sleepy, give it a try. But if you need energy to get you going, lighter would work better. But, hey, paint is relatively inexpensive in the decorating scheme; you could always change it if it doesn't work for you. Good Luck.
i think it depends how much natural light you've got - and it looks like with those windows, you've got plenty. our bedroom used to be ALL olive green, but then we painted all the walls white except for the one behind the bed. LOVE it. and we've got white pillows/duvet too. the contrast is so fun, so don't let dark colors scare you. ben and katie have one wall in their bedroom that's so dark gray, it almost looks black. it looks awesome!
I love the contrast of dark colors as well. It does totally depend how much natural light you have in the room or else it will suck all the light out. I like it so far!! I seriously wish I had your creativity!! Maybe I need you to come remodel our room. :)
Oh yah, that picture of Luke on my blog that you asked about is of him doing the Hammer Throw. It's a track & field event. He competes professionally as his "hobby." That pic was at the olympic trials where he placed 5th in the country. He LOVES to throw!! If you drive by Moffett military base occasionally you'll see him and a couple other athletes out training right of the freeway by the baseball fields. I swear the base is my new work out location since the baby... can't find time to go to the gym!! hahaha!
you can probably do a medium color and compromise. I just painted an accent wall an dark bluish green, I havent posted cause I need to get a baseboard and I want it to be complete :)
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