On Thursday, I got sucked into reading about the royal wedding. When I first heard about Will and Kate's engagement, it was like I was hearing the weather report, whatever, people are always in the news and people are always getting married, I couldn't care less. And here's the power of media. A little blurb here and a little blurb there, and I found myself quite interested in "What will her dress look like?" I know, I'm a sucker. If only you knew, I'm like dust that gets sucked up by the vacuum sometimes, I just can't resist.
So I was looking at some of the pics of them together on Thursday and I showed Hazel and told her that there was going to be a big wedding that night, but that it was really day in England, and that girl, Kate Middleton, was going to become a princess. She said she wanted to watch it and I said, "Oh, it's in the middle of the night here, so we can watch it tomorrow."
Then right before bed she got really excited and goes, "Mom, I'm really excited to watch that wedding tonight with you where Kate Middleton becomes a princess!" Oh! I felt so bad that I'd confused her, she was so excited and how did she remember her name? I told her I was sorry I'd confused her and I meant we'd watch it tomorrow and she was okay with that, but I felt bad because she looked so excited about out mid-night date. We set it to record though.
Rhett woke up around 3am to eat, so I jumped up, checked the t.v, and the exciting part with the important guests arriving was JUST starting! So I went in and asked Hazel if she wanted to come watch the wedding with me or just sleep. She smiled and immediately got up. It was the funnest little mommy-daughter (and son) date I've ever had in the middle of the night :).
I totally got sucked in too! I was pretty apathetic about the whole thing until the day before and then I was like, "You know, it would be kind of interesting to watch..." So I invited a couple ladies over to watch it -- although we started watching it at 11 a.m. (thank goodness for DVR's!) -- a much more sensible time... No way would I have gotten up at 3 a.m. to watch! Seth just started sleeping through the night! FINALLY!
Hazel is so cute! She'll probably remember watching "Kate Middleton become a princess" with her mom in the middle of the night for the rest of her life... Awww, memories....
that's so cute, afton. this kind of thing only happens like once a generation, so i thought it was pretty exciting! my mom followed Diana's life all the time, so i remember getting up very early to watch her funeral. i didn't get up for the wedding - Cora woke me up about 2 hours after they'd gotten married. i wish i had though! celia thought kate was beautiful and watched the replays with me. so fun to see all the hats and fancy clothes! the brits get away with everything, i love it. :)
How fun!! I love that she was so into the wedding. I have to admit. I've been a little wedding obsessed, every since they announced their engagement - I've even considered getting the Sapphire tribute ring (AAHHH!! I can't believe I'm admitting that!). Anyway, I kept telling myself that I have a newborn and I just shouldn't wake up to watch it, but I couldn't help myself. I set my alarm for 5am and then rewatched it all day long. =) My friend even made a Union Jack pillow and a banner for it! I just think there are only so many fun events like this in a lifetime, why not just let yourself get lost in it. =)
I didn't watch it but I was interested for visually appealing aspects-I'm sure it was gorgeous. What a fun memory for Hazel, she'll never forget that I'm sure!
That's awesome Afton! I think that's so cute that you woke her up :) I was the same as you- really did not give any hoot about it until just before then realized it would be raelly cool to watch. That was pretty good timing I'd have to say. That's so cute that hazel remembered her name :)
btw Afton I think you totally look like Kate esp in that picture where she and Will are sitting and looking serious on your blog post. Esp from that angle you look so much alike! you're both gorgeous. Also I was telling Autumn- while I didn't care a lot about it, I'd have to say it was sooo nice to see someone famous who smiles! I saw Victoria Beckham and was thinking about Angelina Jolie who always look so pouty and serious.... ugh. Get over yourself, it's not hot to always look MAD! I loved that she's so smily and seems totally comfortable showing her emotions- well At least her happy ones anyway :) maybe that'll change after she's been annoyed by constant spotlight and cameras in a few years.
Yes! I watched it live with Lexi and Sterling. I was so excited for it I couldn't fall asleep so I was up until a little after 4:30am before I could fall asleep. My kids loved it and I am so glad I shared in the moment in history with them :-)
I love you all for getting into this too! Kyndra I love that you got your kids up too! So fun huh? I love that so many of you watched it in wee hours, but Emily, yeah, I can see how precious sleep is with a baby finally sleeping. Mine, however, is not right now, and should be. And thanks Jill, you're a saint! Alicia, get the ring, why not? I remember when I was young thinking I'd marry prince William because we shared the same birthday and for some reason in my elementary mind I thought that meant we were meant to be.
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