Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 13, Thankful for baby sign language

Just this week we've been teaching Rhett a few signs (baby sign language). We started way earlier with the girls so I feel bad we haven't done it sooner for him and us, but the upside is that he's picked up on it super fast because he's older. I've been teaching him "Night night" and "Milk" and "Eat" and sometimes we do "More." Yesterday at church was when it really took off and he was alternating between "milk" (pumping his hang) and "night night." Only problem was that I couldn't do either for him right then :(. Here is a video of him before his nap (he'd missed his first one because we were at church so he was pretty wasted.)


Rebekah said...

Afton that is too cute! We did not do baby sign language, but just a second language.

joolee said...

he looks so much like City! how cute. the only sign we've taught all three kids has been "more" because that's when they've fussed - when they want MORE of something! i haven't taught more beyond that, but i love it. they learn so quickly. Celia has learned a TON of sign language in school.