Sunday, January 9, 2011


Alright, the last two posts have been censored at husband's request. I debated because it's stuff I'd love to read from others, but figured those interested already read it anyway:). You snooze you lose!

Q: Does your spouse (or any one else) ever ask you to censor what you write?


Tristen said...

I love it. Ken censors me all of the time on my blog, mostly because it's meant to be our family blog and when I get too wordy or too opinionated about things, he kind of raises his eyebrows and suggests that I put it on my personal blog instead. Sometimes I want to switch my blog from a family blog to a public private blog where I write whatever I want, but I guess there are Grandmas to consider... but I laughed about this, and I had read your posts so I'm glad that I caught them before Josh had you take them down! :)

Tristen said...

Also, my mother-in-law sometimes asks me to change things to which I usually smile and try to say the right words to make her feel like she's gotten her way, but I never obey... you know... :)

robin said...

so funny! but for the record, i loved it... thanks for sharing all the details. SOMEBODY'S gotta do it...

and no, i'm never censored. but i don't ever delve into anything that really warrants editing...

your sis said...

Parley has given me a strict "no genitalia discussion" policy. (at least not written :)

The Aldridges said...

ha ha ha I enjoyed it but my husband is the same, if not slightly worse. He's very conservative about what he says in public and prefers that I am too. He thinks a lot of things should only be discussed between us...but sometimes girls get talking and it more is shared than they'd like. he he Glad you shared...gave me the courage to possibly try it myself...someday. ; )

Melanie said...

Afton, you make me smile...And I've been censored a couple times, when I had stuff up on the blog about Billy. :) He's not too fond about that.

(I saw the posts too. You are so BRAVE!! I am very impressed.)

Amy said...

Good thing those posts live on in Google Reader so I can reference them if I ever feel brave enough to go Brazilian.

Autumn said...

Tristen that's hilarious!!!!!!! Are they regarding her family or yours?