I'm off to the dr to find out the burning question of is this thing a boy or a girl? I'm so excited, but a little nervous. Yes, yes, I'll love either one, and I know once I hold that little thing in my arms my nerves should be calmed, but if you want to know my honest desire, I'd prefer a girl. Just sounds easier, I know what to do with them, I grew up with 5 sisters--no boys, girls are just a comfort zone. And really, I just want to get another use out of the clothes we have rather than have to start from scratch again. Although, if it's a boy, he'll probably just end up in the girl clothes anyway until he notices to make use.
If it's a boy I'll have to deal with gender differences, privacy issues, how to make him feel special even though Josh won't let me dress him up or do makeovers on him--all the fun things girls get to do. There just isn't anything boys do that girls can't but not so true the other way around. And the biggest problem with having a boy is the big, uncomfortable and confusing circumcision decision.
I'd write the pros of having a boy that I can come up with, but I have to go to my appointment now. Yay!
Afton, I admit I was nervous when I found out our third was a boy (especially since we both come from all-girl families!)...but now I totally dote on him in a way I didn't with the girls. I love them all so much and I probably have more "bonding" with the girls, because we're interested in the same types of things, whereas Isaac is just Destructo-Man, but he definitely has a special place in my heart, probably because he is SO much easier personality-wise than the girls. Totally easy-going, cool with whatever, my best sleeper yet, and none of the emotional drama that my girls have always had since they were teeny! Honestly, if I could pick, I would probably say all boys from here on out...with one more girl so I can use my cute clothes again. :-) But my husband says Isaac is SO much easier than the girls, and he's definitely right.
Plus all the boy clothes are really fun--think little bow ties and sweater vests. Oh, I love it!
oh, and I should also say that I wanted all girls, because I was terrified of boys!! (but the diaper changes are actually WAY easier, believe it or not!)
Good Luck...boys are crazy.
I'm sure glad it's a boy!! I think having a boy is really fun, and watching them play soccer, try to run really fast, and try to be like his daddy. My boy was a lot easier than my girl. :)
And plus, now our boys can be buddies!! I'm SO excited for you!!!
BOYS ARE EASY!!! no frills no bows, trucks, trains and cars. thats all you need to know about boys!!! girls though, i know i'll have to practice doing their hair and dressing them cute. so much pressure with a girl. GOOD LUCK!!
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