Thursday, September 2, 2010
And the Winner is...
My friend told me how she and her hubby always wear pink and blue to their "gender ultrasounds" and I thought it was a good idea. There was no question, and the winner is...
Josh made me promise to not tell the girls until he could be there, so I told him he'd better meet us at In and Out right after I picked them up from my friend's house because I promised Hazel I'd tell her right away. When I picked her up, first thing, "Mommy, what are you having!???" Josh was busy at work, but took more time off to come share the news. He's such a good little daddy:). And a very excited one too!
The dr gave us a bazillion pictures so the kids loved looking at them, even though you can hardly tell what some of them are as adults, but they had fun nonetheless.
I love City here, I didn't know she was doing that. It was a very good shake.
Wish me luck!
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yay! congratulations! two girls and a then a boy, just like me. you will love it...
BOYS RULE!!! I'm so excited for you, congratulations!
WOW!! I can hardly believe it! What will a boy Parker be like? (Besides adorable with bright big blue eyes under his designer ball cap). So exciting! Congratulations! So what were the girls reactions?
hooray! boys are a whole different kind of fun! :) both you and Celeste - two girls, then a boy. how fun! congrats!
congratulations!! I love my two girls with my follow-up boy. So much fun!!!
yay! congrats! boys really are so fun. :)
Congrats that so awesome.!! Blessings on you and your fam, boys carry a whole new set of learning tools!! Good luck
Yea! We'll have boys the same age. Congrats!
You'll LOVE having a boy! I do, and I was quite terrified. We've got lots of boy clothes. You should come by and see if there's anything you'd like to borrow :-)
Afton, that's GREAT news. I totally understand where you are coming from. After Collette, I just wanted an all girl family. I came from girls, I knew girls, I was comfortable with girls. Boy seemed crazy and busy and dirty. I cried at the ultrasound when I found out my third pregnancy was a boy. Buuuut, I LOVE my boys. I love having both in my house. I love that my girls have a sister and brothers and I love that my boys have a brother and sisters. And I love, love, love that my girls came first. I think it sets a nice tone for the house-- the boys aren't too crazy because they don't see that as the precedent.
Oh, and one of your friends said it right, boy diapers are way easier to change AND I found that potty training wasn't as bad as I thought (I didn't know what I was doing and so I was kinda nervous).
You'll do great. You're a great Mom no matter what.
Congrats! Boys are so fun. I love having both genders. Sometimes I get a little overdone on the girl stuff and then I love just taking my boy shopping for "cool" stuff. You look fabulous by the way!
Yay! Congratulations!
Boys are so much fun! You're a great mom, so I know your boy will be in good hands. Congratulations and enjoy :)
Hooray! So fun - and I agree, having both genders is great. I'm excited for you!
YAY!!!!!!!! So exciting. All summer my gut instinct was a boy. Then I wasn't so sure. I love these pics. Love City gulping the shake. CUTE FAMILY!!!! Tehehe. So exciting!
I'm thrilled for you!
You will love the change a boy will bring.
Thanks everyone, and thanks for your ideas and encouragement with boys. I've started thinking about why I'm struggling with it and finally came to some answers this week which I'll prob post in the next two days. Thanks!
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