I hear these are the remedy for nausea.
Josh thinks I get pregnant the first time I give it a chance because the powers above know I might change my mind when I start thinking rationally again about the hardships of another child instead of the blessings so I get pregnant the first chance I give it. This is a blessing I tell myself. I look at my children and think I'd surely go through it all again for them, it's just hard to start off without the child to remind me why, you know what I mean?
And then there were two hours yesterday and about three today (which happened to be perfect timing since I was swimming with my girls) where I felt it only mildly and it was a major breath of fresh air and hope. I thought, this really will go away someday, it really will!!! It didn't so much with my other two pregnancies, it was just bad and worse pretty much until the end, plus throwing up until almost half way.
When I compare it to those pregnancies, I do count my blessings. I haven't thrown up once and although the nausea is pretty crummy, throwing up is just so much worse than feeling like you have to do it (since it's not like the flu where you're actually relieved afterwards).
Josh has been a saint through the whole thing, he's truly the ideal husband when I'm pregnant. I'd have to say he's pretty ideal when I'm not too, but I'm just so pathetic and miserable that he bends over backwards taking care of me and the girls on top of his very full time job--and he's quick to remind me that he knows he's responsible for this, so he'd better help out :). He said he's not sure what it is, but it really doesn't drain him, that his capacities are greater and stamina stronger when I'm pregnant whether it's instinct or a blessing. I'll go with blessing since it's really super human what he's been doing. Thank the heavens.
I'm only 10 weeks along, so due Jan 20, at least that's what we figure until I see a doctor, which I should really go try to set up now since I just got recommendations at the pool today.
I've also been on a long road trip, so I've been literally gone the past few weeks with family in town the week before, but I had internet access, I could've written, but I've been in survival mode which I'm pretty sure many of you understand!
And the new blog design is in hopes of making me feel refreshed when I sign in and maybe a little superstition that I'm turning away my nausea by starting anew. I know, that makes no sense, at all.
Q: Do you like being pregnant? If you happen to say yes, please please enlighten me.
Q: If you have more than two kids, how soon did you start showing with your third? Because I've been showing for weeks and I know it's because of all the horrendous things I've been eating (which I chalk up to preventing me throwing up) instead of the little lima bean sized fetus, but I can't wait to break out some maternity shorts so I can stop unbuttoning my top button.
yay! I'm so excited for you but not jealous about the sick part. Is it horrible of me that I'm glad someone else is as miserable as me during pregnancy? haha. I'm certainly not one who loves being pregnant and I've found that the third has been hardest on my body. You however are in fabulous shape so I think that will help you tremendously. You look great, by the way!
Congrats!!! So excited for you. Sorry about the nausea--that is the worst. I do like being pregnant but not the nausea part. Fortunately for me that doesn't last long. The heartburn at the end is no fun either. But the baby you get when its all over is fantastic!
congrats, afton! so excited for you! once i get past 14 weeks (when the throwing up stops), pregnant life for me gets a lot better. i don't know what i would do if it lasted the entire pregnancy! as far as the showing...i looked pregnant SO much earlier with baby #3 than the other 2. i have compared photos and can't believe the difference. hopefully it will even out and i won't keep growing at this pace :-)
let me know if you need anything...i know how awful it can be when you're sick. i know you got recommendations for doctors today, but let me know if you need (or want) more...i have a great one. congrats again!!
Congratulations! I'm so excited for you!!! (I wish I could keep writing, but I've got to run...)
I'm pretty sure I suspected that already :-) You know I have no magical cures, but I'm an ear to whine to at any time. Sometime's that's the only type of relief you can get. Also, ask for Zofran. They give it out like candy at Kaiser and it's a MIRACLE drug for so many people. Like me. Take a Zofran and then eat a cheeseburger.
Let me take the girls when you are down. Call me or I'll just show up and steal them away!
congratulations!! I liked being pregnant with my first two, but the third was a lot harder. Glad to hear that this one is going better for you!
As far as showing, I felt like I was showing earlier with the third one, but then I basically stayed the exact same size for months, if that makes sense. Like my stomach muscles gave in earlier, but I didn't actually get bigger than I had with the first two babies.
a.) no, i don't like being pregnant. so no enlightenment here.
b.) i start showing at like 2 weeks. i don't know if that has anything to do with the fact that i gain 10 pounds the instant i find out i'm pregnant, but i swear my last two pregnancies i was showing right away. fun, fun, fun!
Congratulations! I'm excited for you guys!!
I hope the nausea wears off for you soon. Crossing my fingers for you!
Yay!! Congrats Afton!
I LOVED being pregnant the first time around, but the second time was harder. But I don't get super sick like a lot of people so obviously that makes a huge difference. I think with every one it's going to get harder for me, but I"m glad I enjoyed it at least once.
I"m so happy for you and I really hope you get feeling better! Here's to having a BOY!!!!
Congratulations! I hope you feel better.
Big congrats!! I hate being pregnant, but my last two pregnancies have been medically difficult. I started showing at about 12 or so weeks with the third. Good luck with the nausea!
Congrats! I loved being pregnant, but then, I didn't get any of the bad symptoms - no nausea, no vomiting, no heartburn, not a lot of swelling...although, I was pretty much a vegetarian the whole time...meat was a real turn off. This could have been a fluke though, I'll tell you after I go through a second time. FYI...my sister uses pure peppermint oil for nausea - just puts a bit on her tongue - if you're not that brave, sucking on Brachs peppermints can help as well...good luck!
congrats from the london dougalls!!! SO happy for you!!! i enjoyed my first pregnancy the most, but endured the rest okay. don't love morning sickness, and don't have a remedy there other that i've heard ginger works.
yes, showing early is normal, but i'm sure you look great! good luck and keep us posted. :) laurel
1. absolutely HATE pregnancy. i'm getting nauseous just thinking about your morning sickness. ugh!
2. i don't usually start showing until about 14 or 15 weeks, but i just look CHUBBY. no tummy but serious chubbiness. i think i would prefer the tummy.
congrats afton!! so excited for you guys! the nausea is not fun, i know. weeks 7 through 10 have ALWAYS been the worst for me, then it seems to taper off until 12 weeks or so. anything with real ginger in it did the trick for me. and fruit. and milkshakes. :)
since i'm about 5 days from my due date, now would NOT be a good time to ask me if i enjoy being pregnant...:) but there are times that I do love it, like when you first find out and it's still a secret for awhile or right in the middle, when you're not too big yet and you've got more energy. but overall, i'd say no, i do not enjoy being pregnant! and with #3 i started showing (at least, to me!) at around 12 wks. but i'm sure you look fabulous, afton! we'll see you soon for FUMI, right?? then you can see how well i'm doing with three kids or if i'm pulling my hair out already...
you haven't been to the dr. yet... you are a lamo, you could have gotten medicine and could probably be feeling great. go ASAP, I'll watch your kids! and I didn't realize you were back in town I was waiting until you were back to call and see how you are. sorry this is so long- should have emailed you. I'll call tomorrow
Congratulations!!! Hang in there you little sick mama! Oh, and I cracked up about getting pregnant the first time so you can't rethink it - I think that probably is what's goin' on with me too. =) I don't get as sick as you, but man, pregnancies are hard!
Miss you!
Pregnancy to me is the worst form of torture imaginable. On second thought, pregnancy with a toddler in the house is the worst form of torture imaginable. I feel like I've lost YEARS of my life to pregnancy. I don't function when I'm pregnant. I'm so sick that getting out of bed in the morning is a feat. DH takes over EVERYTHING and the kids run crazy. I can't believe I had four. 3 years of my life spent sick and miserable and another 4 spent leaking, I'm sooooooo done.
I showed a lot earlier with my third, but I was skinnier with her than with the other kids. Number 4, well, I didn't show all that soon cause I was still chubby from number 3.
I do adore my kids, but man, why can't the stories about the storks be true?!?!?!
Great news, Afton! The pregnant part, that is. Not the yucky tummy part. Thankfully that should be going away soon. Congrats on #3-to-be!!
Congratulations! I'm excited for you. And way to go Josh for being such an awesome hubby.
Congratulations!! Sorry you are miserable. My third pregnancy was by far my hardest but since it was my third in 3 years, I think my body was just shot. 3 kids is fun but so much chaos. I am sure you will do great though :)
Congrats Afton! You will love having three kids, it's fun! It's amazing what us mommies go through to get these babies here though, isn't it. Best wishes!
I hope your nausea is getting better.
I'm pregnant right now with my third kid. And yes, I like being pregnant. I'm exhausted, but it's also so exciting. It's amazing to think that there's a tiny baby growing. As for starting to show, I've showed pretty early on with all my kids.
Ahhh. I'm a TAD behind reading blogs. Yay for wonderful friends. Go them. I want to hear a follow up from the party!
Are the lemons helping? Did you ever get sea bands?
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