I've had a very productive morning so far that I felt I should brag and document it.
I got up at 5:45am with Josh. Or I woke up then, wondered if I should really get up to jog while I felt the warm sheets, and then finally got out of bed. I was out the door just after 6 on a jog, which turned into a run. I averaged 8 min miles for 4 miles and I realize that was the pace I did the hilly Boston Marathon at and my course is flat here, but I'm telling you, this felt like an accomplishment since I haven't had a GPS watch to help me get myself in gear, so now I'm more motivated to see some good numbers. Anyway, I was pleased (and a little embarrassed that I'm so excited about that since I've fallen so far behind from a year ago).
Then I got back before the girls were up, stretched and then City was up. She and I were both excited that I was really awake and happy to see her at that hour and to not make her snuggle in bed with me. We took a shower together and bam, one more thing off the list (too bad Hazel wasn't up).
We played, got dressed, Hazel woke up, got her dressed, did their hair (and those three little words don't do justice to the challenge it is), did my own--sort of. I tried a new mousse and City tried it too, she loved how it felt in her fingers and she was so cute putting it on.
I waxed my lip and brows (just the safe region of brows, cleaned up the rest with scissors and tweezers). Did my make-up and tried some new products which I just may write about later (including a liquidish eye liner applied with brush, new foundation, and new perma-stay lipstick that isn't dark), dressed myself and bam again, only 7:30.
I was excited about my new stuff and hairless lip, so I'm showing you.
I think all this may be to try to convince Josh that it's worth it for the family to have him wait here while I jog instead of going straight to work. I just feel so good getting it done early and am more productive if I'm not dreading my run. Which if I'm really this productive every morning, it's an argument he'll probably go for.
I woke up at 6 the other morning to run and I was very productive that morning too, but City woke up when I left for my jog so it foiled my plans of him being able to work efficiently while I was gone. I'm usually most productive in the evenings, but these days I'm just so tired in the evening that I may just have to become a morning person (did it sound like I just swore to you too?) Crossing my fingers this will continue!
Q: When are you the most productive?
Q: What do you love getting checked off your list?
this totally cracks me up because here is what I did this morning:
got up at 6. ran four miles. came home, showered, showered the kids and did their hair, fed everyone steel-cut oats with frozen blueberries for breakfast. started laundry. took the kids to the zoo after Isaac's morning nap.
great minds think alike, I tell you! but seriously, I am with you--the day goes SO MUCH BETTER when I've exercised and showered early in the morning before the kids are up.
GASP! A MORNING PERSON?! Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
But seriously, I am amazed (and feeling super lazy) that you got all that done before 9, and dang you look good too. I'd hate to be the other moms at the park. I'm sure you put them to shame with your gorgeousness.
How gorgeous is Hazel??? Felicity too, but Hazel is getting older and looking like such a young lady. Just gorgeous!
I am not a morning person, but my kids are up bright and early. In the last couple of months I have been trying to run before Brad leaves for work, or just get up and not try to keep getting back in bed! It's made a huge difference and I feel really good all day.
I am not a morning person, but I'm also not a night owl. I need to be in bed by 10 or I'm too tired to get out of bed the next morning. I do always feel like the day runs more smoothly when I can get up before everyone else. If I'm taken care of, then the rest seems to fall in place a lot more easily. Everyone appreciates it. And I do love the calmness in the morning when the rest of the world is just stirring. It's amazing when I can accomplish when I feel good about myself. Kudos on a morning well spent!
I'm completely jealous of your morning. Sigh. And I am SO productive also when I can get in my workout in the morning, we have the same issues whether my husband should get up and go immediately to work or let me get in my workout which completely transforms my day. I'm losing the battle currently, but this post might help me push it over the edge, thanks!
Wow. I didn't wake up until 8am, because that's when Steve got up. And all I've done is......nothing. I got my kids breakfast. But to be fair, Liz was throwing up all day yesterday, so today I'm a bit exhausted.
I'm most productive at night. The bug to get things done bites me after the girls are in bed, which is just really bad timing.
Nice morning, cute kids, gorgeous mommy - wish I could have been there!
GREAT morning Afton!! Such cute pics. I LOVE the individual ones of the girls!!!
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