Two weeks ago I did the Los Altos 10K with some friends and to remind you how easy it was, here is the elevation. Look at the third big peak and the point on top of that sucker, there were literally signs twice on the course, one for an uphill part and one for that downhill, warning you of steep terrain. It would have been great entertainment to put a chair at the bottom of that and watch us all billy goat our way down it because it sure wasn't running. I saw one guy at the end of the race with bloody knees and I'm guessing that was where he got his battle wound.

And thanks to Ed Harman who got these pics on our last stretch that happened to be uphill, I'll never forget how easy it was.

Here is a pic of the starting line, I'm in the far right corner in pink. This wasn't a chip race, so I wanted to be in front.
Thanks to the super dads who watched my little gems while I ran. Josh was out of town so I was very grateful for them watching my kids. There was a horse stable there so they had fun looking at them and splashing in mud puddles.

This is Ben starting out the race. Remember this happy face. (sorry for the blue and lines, can't get rid of it.)

But you'll find that most of my friends have no trouble pulling off beauty when working out. Here is Jen after running and she looks great and energetic--and this was her first race ever.
And then you have me. I have to at least try to give excuses so I'll start with this being the 10K race. Right, 3.1 miles shouldn't make that big of a difference, but considering the course, it felt like I was doing a marathon. Actually it didn't really in the way of running, this felt more urgent, my adrenaline was all messed up and I had a side cramp the first 2.5 miles that convinced me to run like an idiot with my arms above my head. But I did have to give myself a little talking to during the race about how I shouldn't be such a baby, I'd run hard hills in Boston and those came from miles 16-20.
It didn't work so great and I finally resorted to walking up part of the last stretch of hills. They honestly looked like mountains to me that day at some points, but maybe that's just the Houstonite in me where a speed bump looks like a hill.

I could either A: stop running and go in the bushes or B: hope my dark wick-away shorts will do their job and wick it away before the end of the race! I was really hoping for a better time and didn't want to give up my spot, but that proved worthless. Should've stopped.
Here is Ben at the end of the race. Too bad I couldn't relish in the fact that I beat him since something was clearly wrong with him and not just the hills. Despite his happy above picture, he was apparently very sick but decided to do the race anyway since his wife Whitney was also doing it. I guess I can still enjoy beating him since it will never happen again if it's on healthy terms (he's normally a speed demon).

Poor guy, only one or two of our group members actually recognized him crossing the finish line, and I thought I felt bad.

Here's Lindsey looking quite energetic as well. I need what she took.

Here are Lindsay and Maren yet again, looking fabulous--broken record yet? I run with Lindsay on Saturday's too.

I was aiming to finish in 54 min because if it was the same group of runners as last year, I could pull in at 2nd or 3rd place for women. Unfortunately, I came in at 55min 32sec and that put me at 8th or 9th place for women overall (would've missed placing last year too, would've been 4th). I say 8th because on race day I was 8th, so I'm not sure why there is another woman in there online now. I'll get her next year.
And Whitney got third place for her age group! Congrats Whitney! I've been meaning to tell you over and over but want to wait until I have your medal to give you and I just always forget. I brought it to Bunco so we could officially award you, but I forgot, so congrats! I'll get you your medal.
Here is the results page for the 10K.
Here are 6 of the 8 girls that I knew running it. Jen, Meghan, me, Lindsey, Lindsay and Maren. It was so fun to have a group running it, I love having friends with similar crazy interests.
And now the moment you've been waiting for. This man came up to me two different times after the race and I was loading up on loot--which there was a ton of and it reminded me why I do these great events--fresh and heavenly blueberry muffin things with a crumbly top (can you tell I want one right now?), that FIZZ (?) pop/fruit drink, lentil cereal, which I understand Lindsay wasn't a fan of, but I would so love to get some, chips, fruits, bars, water bottle, etc.

Back to my new friend. He was with some of his friends and were asking if I went the whole way with my double stroller and I joked with them for a few seconds and moved on and then he came up and talked to me again and I moved on. Then I had the girls loaded up and we were on our way back to our car and he goes, "You're not staying to pick up your trophy?" "I wish..." and kept going and then he started talking to me about running and how often I run and where I run and how he placed third in his age group, which he acknowledged was a big deal at his age (and I think he said 4th place overall? If so, he's 47, but he looks older to me).
I give my congrats and think how he was an awfully nice man, but not sure if that was all. I start to push and then he quickly points to my empty ring finger and goes, "I see you're not wearing a wedding ring, are you married?" "Oh yeah, I just don't wear it when I run, it gets gummy..." At that point I felt awkward and embarrassed for him because he immediately looked uncomfortable and muttered, "oh..." I congratulated him again and went on my way wondering if that had really just happened.
I realized that despite my amazing post race looks, I'm sure I reeked of urine and looked like a single mom of two little girls, read, desperate. He probably saw our common interest in running and maybe he was just looking for a running partner...
I found this all very entertaining and a bit shocking since I don't get that question every day. I'm glad he gave me a good memory and I'll see him next year if I decide to run since he told me he does it every year. And I know where he trains if I want to look him up. But really, can you blame the guy? At least Josh agrees:).
And here is the group with kids and hubbies.

Wow...that looks pretty grueling. I've been trying to run a lot more hills lately because the half I'm running in fall has two hills that the organizer said are "challenging," ( to come run in Indiana?!
Anyway. I hate hills. I'm really having trouble finding ones around here to train's a lot flatter than I thought when I was just doing my regular runs and being irritated at gentle rolling swells on the trail.
And trail running! WOW! Good for you! There's a 50K, marathon, and half-marathon here run through the nearby state park on the trails, but when I read about people talking about running through streams I thought that didn't sound too fun. I do really like running the trails in the woods, which is actually my favorite run, but I don't know if I'd want to sustain that for more than a couple of miles--especially when I'm running in deep wood chips.
AND I forgot to say you look totally gorgeous!!!
haha! that was a great post... totally made me laugh. that's totally awesome that you got hit on by that guy! such a hot mama you are afton!
p.s. i had no idea that i got 3rd in my age group! i wonder if there were a total of 3 women from my age group in the whole race. that would explain a lot.
Afton, I love you so much. Not afraid to post pics of you running, and about how you peed your are the coolest.
I am so dang proud of you, seriously, I can't even run to the mailbox. You are my hero. I wish we lived closer so you could whip my butt into shape.
nice recap. although very biased against yourself. you need to give yourself credit for being wicked fast and so slender. my cellulite was flopping all over the place in those pictures. i won't even start on my boobs. yuck. we need to run together!
You're awesome! I love fun running stories, and contrary to your belief I think you look amazing while running--wish I could look as good!
Great job. That course looked pretty wicked. And you looked hot. Can't smell the pee from here. Haha!
AH! First, how did you get the dude's photo?! Second, NICE JOB!!! So amazing Afton. That little grid makes me think WHY?!! ...and wow! and good job. Funny Hazel's take on the accidents! :)
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