Thursday, November 17, 2011

Which picture would you buy?

For years I've wanted to buy a picture of the Savior, but haven't found one I just love, and they're sorta expensive, so we've never done it. I really want to get one and get it hung before Thanksgiving, so I've just decided to get one anyway since I'm not sure there are any out there that I love artistically. These are my top three choices:

1. This is just a classic great picture of the the Savior. I also like the red color vs the more muted ones in the next pic.

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2. I like the story of the lost sheep and having that on the wall as a reminder to help those in need.

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3. Mary and Martha with Jesus. This is probably my favorite one, but I can only get it in a small size or big, no middle ground. I think I'll probably end up getting it because this story is so important to remember as a mother and having it right there as a constant reminder would be helpful. Oddly, I could only get a small and big pic, but no middle ground :). So here you get both.
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Q: Do you have any pictures of Christ that you love? If so, tell me who it's by! Thanks!


joolee said...

these are all beautiful, afton! looks like they're all by Minerva Teichert? you must like her style even if you don't know it. :) i do. her work's so fresh and original, compared with other LDS artists. i myself love the colors of the sheep picture with the contrast of blue and yellow. i'd love to have that in the kids' room because they've got a bright yellow-striped wall.

being the art history "snob" that I am, I've never really LOVED any pictures of the Savior more than others. some of the LDS art i've seen is just terrible, but they portray church history or the Savior, so what can i say? it's popular for those reasons. but i realized that i needed to get past that and have one in our home anyway (the kids need to see the Savior in our home!). Travis and I both liked Gentle Healer by Greg Olsen, so we got that a few years ago.

Heidi said...

Minerva Teichert is the only LDS artist that I love. I have the one of Jesus with the children. I also love the one with the sheep. I think the colors of that one would look pretty in your house. Which wall are you thinking? The Mary and Martha would look good too.

Afton said...

Oh yeah, I knew it was M.T., I like hers better than others I've seen, but I don't love them either. I'm in the same boat as you Julie. Heidi, I think I'm going with the Mary and Martha even though I like the Jesus by himself better. I just think I need that specific message more in my life to be the Mary, but I don't love the colors so much.

Renee (and Eric) said...

I really like the Mary and Martha for the story.

I found this sketch at the National Cathedral in DC years ago and it's one of absolute favorites because of its simplicity and the symbolism of love. (It's a pencil sketch by Katherine Brown of Christ holding a lamb).

I'm with you's kind of hard to find just the right touch.

Chelsea said...

love Carl Bloch. Love Gethsemane...

Heidi said...

I love these Afton! So beautiful! I never liked any until I saw Akiane's. I do like the muted artistry in these, though. Can't wait to see it!