Why oh why are you crying so much? I mean, I know you've just cut three teeth at record speed and all, which of course comes with a cold, but really, can't you try to not cry so much, for so long and so loudly? Can't you try to sleep since I know you're exhausted? And since I'm exhausted? It's like you knew how excited I've been for the two glorious hours I'd have to myself while my kids were at school and you were supposed to be napping and then cried THE WHOLE TIME.
I should really tell you thanks for being the perfect child I know you normally are whenever your daddy is around, but it's starting to not feel very fair. So lets cheer up and let the tylenol work shall we?
My youngest started crying the second we got home from the hospital and didn't stop until he was about one year old. Okay that is exaggeration, but he cried a lot and it was really hard. To this day when he cries it makes me edgy and he just turned three.
Put him in his crib where he is safe and go take a shower. He will be fine and you will feel better.
I'm sorry Afton, that's really rough! Babies are so sweet, but they really are just completely exhausting. I hope he gets feeling better soon!
I'm so sorry Afton! Not fun at all. Tennysen official is 7 months old with 6 teeth!! 4 came in all at once. Glad it's done as of a couple days ago.... for now. Hang in there!! This too shall pass. :) Xoxo
of course. every time Travis took C + M somewhere with him, Cora would get her fuss on BIG time. SO frustrating!! i think she'd get used to all the noise and other kids around, then freak out when things got quiet. go figure.
hope the worst of the teething is done...for now. isn't it horrendous?? the Hyland's teething tablets have worked wonders for us!
Afton. This is my day today to an absolute T. The 2 hours over school time and everything. I kept trying to tell myself to just chill out and relax, but I was saying the same things to my baby! "Please, come on, we're both tired, could you just cooperate here?!?" =)
Glad to know I was in good company with a kindred spirit across the country. Hope he's just an absolute DREAM tomorrow for ya!
Poor kid. My wisdom teeth grew in so I know what cutting teeth feels like, and it is so painful. I would describe the feeling like maybe having a lemon zester scrubbed over your gums a few times. And Tylenol just doesn't work. It doesn't.
And poor you. I know how my kids crying all the time makes me cranky, so I hope you can get through this!
Oh my dearest Afton friend...crying babies can make for some of the hardest of the hard mothering days. We have had so many of those days (today being one of them, in fact) so we can relate. I hope he is better now and that your brain and spirit have been able to recharge. I miss you girl. With all of your world travels, be sure to include Missouri as a stopping point...after all, Missouri is everyone's dream destination you know. While your at it, tell Autumn to come too!!
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