Saturday, August 13, 2011


One more funny song thing, Hazel heard this "Falling" song that I'm leaving on my playlist just so you can hear it, even though it was a mistake, I don't like it. But I'm leaving it so you can enjoy a little humor.

Hazel listened to the first few lines and goes, "She falls a lot." It was hilarious. I don't have a clue what the song is about because all I seem to hear is a lot of falling too and I don't care for it, so I haven't listened all the way through.

But I do love the subject of falling as I see it as one of life's greatest amusements as long as no one is seriously hurt of course. Well, after thinking of one story below, as long as it's an entertaining fall and the person survives anyway. I can say this because I do it more often than a normal person should.

In other falling news, we saw a guy fall of his bike today. We were walking as a family down to Hazel's elementary school to check who her teacher was (SOOOO FUN huh? Ahh! I was freaking out, such a fun rite of passage!). Anywho, Josh was taking a picture of us as we were walking/riding bikes and then got this focused look on his face. Knowing we wouldn't bring on this reaction, I turned around and this poor guy was sprawled out in the middle of the street by his bike and dog moaning. I know I'm just a little evil for trying to stifle a laugh right now. I just have a thing for people falling, it's entertaining. I didn't know he actually snapped the picture with the guy in the background, so when I just saw this, I laughed yet again. You can't really see him in this size pic though.

No fear, I cropped it for a better look.

So this guy, a perfectly nice neighbor who I can't remember his name, rides his bike by our house every day with his lab and my girls got excited the first time they saw him and so he turned around and brought his dog back so they could pet her. He was just saying how much the dog loved little kids as the log lunged at City and nearly knocked her over. And that was the end of her love affair with dogs. That wasn't why I laughed when he fell down, believe it or not, I thought it was kind of funny when it happened to City too after the fact because she kept trying to tell off the dog going, "I not scared! I not scared!" after it started to leave.

And that's that. We stared at him laughing and then walked off. Although a little funny, that's not what happened. Another neighbor, who was closer went over to help him, but I sent Josh up to help too and then the guy thought his shoulder was broken so Josh went and got the van and picked him up and took him home. Josh said there was no way his shoulder was broken because he was moving it all over, but poor guy! And with people like me finding it amusing, I feel even worse for him. For the record, I didn't laugh when we saw him fall, I was actually concerned and that's why I sent Josh up. It wasn't until writing this that I saw the humor in it and then all the falling stories just made me laugh even more :).

I keep thinking of more falls! Another classic fall was when I was about 17 and it was my sister's birthday. Every year for her birthday, my family would go roller skating, which I'm still not sure why since we started this tradition in our teen years, but it's a good one. We were cruising around the rink in all our smoothness and trash talking each other when I looked across the rink and saw my dad fall. I of course burst into laughter and went over to make sure he could hear my teasing. Ends up he totally shattered his leg with a spiral break. He saw the ride to the ER was the most painful experience of his life, and this is coming from a guy who blew his own finger off with a homemade bomb and has a bullet lodged in his stomach. He still has problems with his leg aching to this day. And I was making fun of him. We have some sweet pics of my sisters wedding 4 days later of him in a mega cast though.

One last story about falling for your amusement. Or is it just mine? I was at BYU-Idaho and if you've ever been there in the winter, you've probably had your turn slipping and falling on the nasty ice too. I did plenty-o times and I'm sure gave lots of people their daily laughs as well. So I'm up on the 2nd or 3rd story of the Manwaring Center in a class and the quad was empty because it was like -100 degrees out and icy, and then I see this lone guy hobbling on crutches across the quad.

There were a few of us rooting for him to make it and then bam! He slipped and fell on a pile of snow. You can imagine all of us--not laughing at this point--going, "OW! Oh..." and then he gets up, puts his crutches back under his arms, takes a step and BAM! AGAIN! No joke. And then what else can you do but laugh at that point. Help? Or that. One guy ran down to help him. We had that horrible laughing, yet feeling terrible for him thing going for him. Our friend came back after helping him get back inside and told us the best part.

He asked the guy why he was on crutches and he said because he'd slipped on the ice.

Q: And now that I've admitted my cruel sense of humor, do you share it as well?


joolee said...

yes. i do. (red face) and it will make me laugh even harder is there's a trip or stumble involved. those AFV videos where people are tripping and falling make me cry, i laugh so WHOLE family's like this. :)

Kelsey said...

ABSOLUTELY!! A lot of people think I'm mean and probably super immature, but I actually love when people fall down...and don't die. Once when I was teaching seminary, a student of mine starting falling and then tried catching himself on a few different things and just made the fall even funnier. I was in tears and took about 10min. to fully compose myself. What a nice teacher, huh? And when I was a youth, my bff and I were going to to bear our testimonies in church and she tripped majorly going up the steps. EVERYONE in the congregation was dying of laughter and, needless to say, my testimony was very brief that day. Oh without falling would be so boring.

Kelsey said...

Also, sometimes if someone just stumbles the tiniest bit, I pictur them falling and start laughing. I have so many good falling stories...half of them have to do with me falling. : )

Lindsay said...

Earlier this year I was going to a meeting carrying my purse, laptop, giant church binder, a huge platter of cookies and my 8-month pregnant belly. I struggled a little opening the door to the building, but made it safely inside only to take a few steps and fall totally flat on my face, cookies flying everywhere and my dress exposing things that shouldn't be exposed. Luckily there was only one person that saw me, and of course, she was laughing her head off! My pride was hurt way more than my scraped up knee. :(

Heidi said...

Ha Ha Ha!!! So exciting about Hazel, too!! Do you like who she got?

Alicia said...

What?? Your dad has a bullet lodged in his STOMACH!??! I think that needs to be blogged about! =)

Falling is totally one of those guilty pleasures where I just feel so bad laughing, but I can't help it! To be fair, I love it when people laugh when I fall, so, you know, I can dish it out and take it. =) Here are some great falling stories (and after 4 years at byui I have some great ones!)

1) While in college I was running in the springtime when most of the ice had melted. Just like in the movies, I was running and hit the ONE patch of ice left. I went airborn, totally horizontal and landed flat on my back. I actually got a pretty bad concussion from it, but my running buddy laughed, which made it seem much less of a big deal. =)
2) Again, at college, I once saw a girl slip on ice - not bad, she just kind of slumped - but the funny part was that she kept trying to stand up and she would just skitter on the ice and fall again. And again. Probably five times she kept trying to stand and fall. She looked like Bambi on the ice. Someone finally helped her out and she was fine, but I was laughing so hard that I felt bad and had to get away as quickly as possible.

3) Last college ice story. I was walking timidly down a very large hill with, again, a lot of ice. There were probably 50 people walking in front of and behind me (it was between classes). Someone saw me walking kind of funny and said, "must be your first year on the ice". I turned as they past me and yelled, "No! My third year, that's why I know to be careful!!" I turned around and *instantly* slipped. Books flying ALL over, papers, everything. I kid you not, every single person on that walkway burst into hysterics, as did I. It makes me laugh out loud just writing it down.

4) Ok, really last story. I promise these are all true. While at college I was walking (in the winter, again), and I was giving myself a little pep talk about everything that was going on that day. I was very deeply engrossed in thought, so I had my head down. So far down that I failed to notice the huge evergreen tree right in front of me, covered with mounds of snow. I walked smack into it and had an avalanche of snow fall all over my head, my backpack, everywhere. I looked up to see if anyone noticed and sure enough, there was a circle of guys standing about 20 feet off. One of them started elbowing the other one and pretty soon they were all cracking up. I just said, "Hey, there's a tree there, you should watch out for that..." and walked away as quickly as I could. When I got to class and took off my backpack a ton of snow came falling off of it. How embarrassing! Still, funny. =)

Ok, those are most of my funny falling stories...

Jennie Simmons said...

I appreciate a good fall now and then...maybe more now than then but I also laugh at myself when I trip :). Great stories and I LOVE your blonde hair!!!!