Saturday, July 9, 2011

Josh's reaction

I've managed to max out my picture limit on here somehow so it stopped me from uploading more pics. Ugh. What? Anyway, at least for now I have these up. These are pics from when I surprised Josh with my new do. I hid Rhett behind a wall and sat against a pole thinger and as you'll see, I sort of stood out since nobody else was around.

I had my video on my camera going and in my efforts to not be completely noticeable to him, I didn't turn the camera to catch his reaction when he realized it was me. I'm so bummed I didn't! You'll see him look my way in passing (but not "checking out" notice, yay-he passed!) and then a moment later he sort of turned my way and looked at me for a few seconds and then wanders over. It was so great. He said when he saw me the first time he was thinking how I had similar features, really similar and then wondered if I would do something crazy and that's when he looked again.

These are after he saw me.

This was my re-enactment of using the camera incognito! :)
Oh, surprise, it's just me.

And I bought a new shirt for the ordeal so he wouldn't notice that either. Yay, it all worked!

And here are some more blonde shots.

I think his reaction is absolutely adorable. Can you see why I LOVE this guy?


robin said...

that is so great, afton! you are gorgeous.

Unknown said...

Your hair is shocking! In a really adorable way. I'm almost as surprised at how huge Rhett is in that picture! He's gotten so big. Can't wait to see you guys this week.

Unknown said...

Your hair is shocking! In a really adorable way. I'm almost as surprised at how huge Rhett is in that picture! He's gotten so big. Can't wait to see you guys this week.

Loni said...

You've become such a California girl Afton. :) Your baby is stinkin' cute!

joolee said...

that is too funny you caught it on camera!! you look fabulous, afton. you could pull off ANY look! :)

Autumn said...

HAHA!!! I love it that you got his reaction filmed!! I love seeing him walk past you. SO fun!! You look great both ways!! If I were you I'd be tempted to keep it for a while!!

Kirsten said...

afton, that's awesome!
you look great.

Sarra said...

Wow, I LOVE it!

Vanessa said...

Um, I LOVE it! You were made to be blonde! We need to get together!

Anonymous said...

You ARE a funny girl. Hilarious. Blondes have more fun! I'm coming to visit you some Saturday. - Lucy

Heidi said...

I love it!! You look so gorgeous as always! Good man Josh!

Amy F. said...

That is so great that you got that on video! You look great.