Thursday, July 21, 2011

Happy Birthday my little baby.

Hazel isn't exactly a baby, but you know what I mean. She's my baby. She was my first and I've been reliving the first day she joined our lives 5 years ago today and remembering that magical transformation into motherhood. It was the most joyous day of my life. My wedding day was exciting, and all my subsequent children were also incredible experiences, but being my first taste of what motherly love was all about was really transforming.

Right after she was born and it seemed there were hands all over her and she was screaming as they were trying to position her for Josh to cut the cord, I reached up and touched her hand and she grabbed my finger. That did it, sold. I was so moved, so crazy in love, so fast. She is a dream and a delight, a very special child. She is mature beyond her years, aware of others feelings and emotions, considerate, compassionate, full of love. She's also really funny, full of life and insanely adorable and surprising.

She loves animals. One of her favorites right now? Snakes. Wha? She has a stuffed one my mom bought her when Rhett was born and I thought, "oh that was sweet, but a waste of money, what little girl wants to play with a sorta freaky stuff snake?" This one, and she named her "Rose." That's just how adorable she is. I'll post of pic of her sleeping with Rose from the other night.

Anyway, I usually don't write about all the meaningful days in my life, I have intentions to and I drift off to sleep with happy thoughts of what I'd write about the important days, but I usually feel it's too monumental a task to write about my family and significant things because I don't feel like I can do them justice. So this is just my abbreviated love note that doesn't encompass nearly enough to my little Hazel Bliss. I love you sweet baby girl.


Rachael said...

my daughter Juliet has that same dress! I love it--I wish it came in my size. :-)

Kathleen said...

So sweet! She's beautiful!!

Amanda Brown said...

What fun it was to read about beautiful little Hazel. She is as sweet as you. :-)

That is a perfect tribute. Something is ALWAYS better than nothing and that is the perfect smackerel of something. Don't feel like you have to write a book each time. Even a few lines will be a treasure to your children and family for years to come.

Heidi said...

I hadn't heard the hand holding experience. How precious! Just like her! Happy Birthday Hazel Bliss! Love you!

Autumn said...

Happy birthday to Hazel! Such a beauty, I love that dress on her!!! So glad you found your purse!!! I thought it was going to be about your ring.

Jill said...

Happy Birthday Hazel! I loved reading about her holding your finger too. That is so sweet. She really is just the sweetest little girl. I have been totally impressed by her. I can't believe how sweet and compassionate she is for her age. That totally amazes me. I love you Hazel! I'm So glad you're my niece :)