Saturday, July 2, 2011

Do blondes really have more fun?

I'm trying to find out. Platinum, baby.
Unfortunately, though, my camera battery died, so I put my memory card in my sister's camera and now we think her camera is in the car that is at the shop. :(
But aren't you dying to see me? I mean, I am. Every time I look in the mirror I surprise myself. I so wanted to write this post with some pics and I couldn't do it before today because Josh doesn't know yet and now that he's finally on a plane to come see me in Ohio I can post this (you know, without him finding out on the off chance he'll check my blog during busy work--you never know right?).
Excited for: 1. to show him my hair and 2. finally get to see him, hooray!
And he has no idea. About the hair. I can't wait!
Q: ever changed your hair to the extreme?


joolee said...

No way!! I totally want to see a pic! I bet you look so cute. Josh will be FLOORED! The most "extreme" I've ever done was to chop it about my chin or get bangs. :)

robin said...

oh yes i have! the crazier the better! can't wait to see...

Amanda Brown said...

How you be so cruel and post this without posting pictures for us to see?!!!! I am dying to see it!

Michelle Glauser said...

I was blonde for nearly two years and it really made a difference, especially with boys. But, you're out of the dating scene, so I'm interested to hear what differences you notice.

Loni said...

Can't wait to see it!