Wednesday, April 13, 2011

SitesThat Make You Think

Here are a few sites that will make you think.

This one will make you think: wrong. Or is that just me? Baby bikinis, and we're talking teensy tiny when actually on. Do we really need string bikinis on babies?

This one will make you think: I might throw up now. Or you need to see a therapist. This chick spends her time making grody little organs that you can wear in your hair, on a clip, on a necklace, in a jar, the possibilities are endless. And apparently so is our list of organs, but she's sure putting her best effort into making sure she makes them all.

Here, a nice set of kidneys to adorn your ears.

Why not sure your smarts off by wearing a brain in your hair?
Oh, or this. Why not display a tapeworm on your coffee table or put it in your purse for your kids to play with or pin it on your shirt as for a conversation starter. And people may never talk to you again.
This one will make you think: much better thoughts than the above, but still weird. Although I am curious what it would make babies look like and would be kind of fun to buy a little toupee for Mr. Rhett.
Q: Uncomfortable yet? If not, just go check out that organ grinder site.
Q: Any weird sites you know of?


mandaline said...

Being in the medical field, I am loving the organ earrings and pins...however, I think the tapeworm is going a little far! lol.

Alicia said...

Ummmmm.....what does it say about me that I totally dig the organ etsy shop? =) Seriously, I think that if I came across this site on my own I wouldn't have even thought that it was weird - that tells you what a nerd I am. =)

Ok, and the baby toupees are hilarious - maybe for Halloween or something.

And a string bikini on a baby - do we even need to discuss my thoughts on women and what society tells them they need to be and how sad that is? =)

Thanks for the fun lunchtime reading!

Erynn Marie said...

Don't know of any sites, but I'm pretty sure SNL already came up with the baby-toupee idea. Crikey!

Kirsten said...

ew. ew. ew.

Afton said...

I can't believe you Alicia and Mandy! (This is Mandy right?) Ewwy on your part, you guys are nuts! But loveable:). So, if you checked out the etsy link, you'll see that she has ovaries on earrings and other more gender specific items that are wearable, eww. BUt I guess she knew she had a market in the more academic yet creative crowd! I love that you both admit to liking it!

Autumn said...

Get Rhett a toupee! That's hilarious.