I signed up to have the missionaries over on April 1, obviously not an accident if you know me. Problem is, I can't think of anything to do to them. Does that sound bad or what? And they are like the two most tender looking guys, both bore their testimonies on Sunday and they're weepy, sensitive looking guys, so I don't wan to do anything big, well, not humiliating anyway, just something funny.
Any ideas?
We're not fans of surprise pranks, but we do like silliness. The girls and I have plans to make meatloaf that looks like cupcakes for dinner. Then cupcakes that look like dinner for dessert.
A little food coloring in the mashed potatoes on top of the meatloaf looks like frosted cupcakes. White frosting piped on to look like noodles, topped with a Ferrero Rocher chocolate rolled in strawberry jam looks like spaghetti and meatballs all together on a plate.
Maybe look super surprised when the Elder's show up, and don't answer their phone calls to remind you. Then pull the prepared dinner out of the fridge after they've sat down to boxes of cereal :-)
Elder Curtis is pretty cool. Seems like he could appreciate a good prank. The other elder is REALLY quiet and I can't tell if he's strange, shy, really nervous or all of the above. He'll be a good sport though. We had them here for dinner on Wednesday. I think Elder #2 (I can't remember his name) said three words other than the scripture he shared. He's only been out a month.
Have fun!
My dad used to frost a phone book to look like a cake.
try the website for the family fun magazine. they've got lots of recipes for making dinner look like dessert, etc. we're doing the idea this year where you put the whole menu on little strips of paper for each person and what three papers you draw are what you eat and eat with for that course.
Afton unable to think of something for April Fool's? I thought I'd never see the day. I guess you used up all your ideas on Jeff, Preston, Will and me back in the Canyon Terrace. Wah wah waaaaah.
Our family favorite is chocolate dipped cotton balls. They look SO beautiful--but...are not tasty. We love to make a whole batch and doorbell ditch them at the neighbors.
Ooo, your friend, Angie had some fun ideas! I was going to say the old thing where you serve an "ice cream sundae", but it's really mashed potates, dark gravy that looks like fudge, etc...
One that we do at our house, although it would probably be too overt, is you buy a can of corned beef and a can of dogfood, and swap the labels (you have to do it with good double-sided tape so it looks really real). Then when some unsuspecting victim is sitting there, one of us walks in eating it straight out of the can, mentioning how hungry they are and how this really just fits their craving (I think we did that one when I was pregnant to someone). Or we'll say "Oh, I was watching Oprah and she said there is a vitamin in cat food that is like a "super vitamin", people who eat one can of cat food a week actually LIVE an average of 5 years longer than the rest of the population!" Lastly, I think once my mom just said something like, "Hey, I had the funniest idea at the store - anyone who takes a bite of catfood gets a quarter! Then, of course we all line up and start taking big bites and saying how surprised we are that it's really good, and that we want more! The poor unsuspecting victim is usually pretty grossed out. Anyway, we've gotten so many people with that one - Christopher was rolling around on the floor at one point while my sister ate her cat food. =) He said he's never been gotten so good (of course, there were 3 or 4 of us in on it, so we all were backing her up nonchalantly). You do have to play it right, or it won't be believable. Anyway, that one might not work with missionaries, but maybe it will spark other ideas?! I just saw this on a website that is similar, kind of funny, although I'm sure they'd know it was a joke unless played off perfectly...you could say "I know this is kind of weird, but this is our favorite dip! It's the best kept secret!": http://www.cantonrep.com/life/food/x1579107437/April-Fools-fun-with-cat-food
There are a ton of fun FOOD ideas... I've seen Grilled Cheese made with pound cake and orange frosting. OR you can eat dirt and worms made with Oreos, Chocolate pudding and gummie worms, even put in some parsley to look like you're growing a plant.
Good Luck, you have to report back and what you do.
Good ideas! Excited to see what you did!!!
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