Lets start with the dislikes so we end on a positive note.
-GROWING OUT MY EYEBROWS. Yep, that takes the cake, all else, less annoying. My eyebrows have gotten sparse over my eagerness to not have strays until one day I looked and it seemed I'm not my father's daughter anymore. Not that I'm really looking to go back to my beautiful bushy pre-tweeze days, but I'd like to have fuller brows when I get my pics back--because that's when you can really tell, you know?
I have one hair that is possibly going to drive me insane. I've debated about it's usefulness in filling in my brow and I think it's unfortunately, a needed hair. How disgusting is that. It jumps out at me every time I see a mirror. I've got to get some of that eyebrow gel asap to put that baby in place--how can it not know the direction it needs to go??? It's driving me mad.
-Red lights, or just lights in general. There are a lot around here.
-No sidewalks in my neighborhood. Esp aggravating for the 5pm on hours when Josh might be working and I'd like to go for a walk but it's too dark and too dangerous with the cars.
-Daylight savings. Who came up with this horrible idea? We're trapped from 5on.
-Meltdowns and no answer book (we're talking the kids, I know how to deal with my own now:)
-No snow at Christmastime
-Our postal delivery dude. He has not taken the letters we've put in our box 2, if not 3 times, so far (just puts new mail on top). He comes at totally sporadic times, except lately when he's been more consistent. The problem? I pulled up at 5:15 the other day and couldn't pull into my driveway because he was there delivering our mail. Did you read that correctly? Yes, 5:15. So much for my advent letters getting out on time each day.
I'll stop there, how about some likes to brighten the mood that's been dampened by my horrendous hair, that one singular hair.
-Funny mistakes. I usually love watching other people make these, but I get a kick out of my own too. This for example. I bough these cards--can't beat $.50 right?
-Christmas and all the music and decorations and good causes to join, I love the cheeriness of people and all the generous attitudes.
-Good food. I am obsessed with eating and I'll eat bad food and good food just because I love food, but that's what makes me really enjoy the good food because I know just how bad it can be.
-Not exercising. This sounds perverse I know, esp since I love the feeling after exercising, but I have literally done ZERO that could be counted as exercising since my half marathon at 6 weeks pregnant. I just love getting up and starting my day in a relaxed fashion instead of dredging up the energy to work out.
-Reading for leisure. I haven't done much lately, but reading is one of my favorite things to do even if I don't make the time for it.
-Being organized. We finally did our garage last week that has never had the privilege of being organized since moving in and it feels like I have a friend instead of foe there now.
-Journals. Just so you know, I haven't written in mine in close to a year, but I plan to change that. I just went through one of mine from high school/college the other night and it was amazing. I love reading me 10 years ago and who I was and how I'm similar and different and what my hopes and dreams and heartaches were vs where I am now. More on this in a different post.
-Family. My sister and her hubby and daughter are coming to visit us next week and I'm ecstatic, I only wish my whole family could come. I just saw my other sister over Thanksgiving and it's like I'm home when I'm just with a sibling regardless of where it is. It's such a comfort to talk to someone without explanation and people just "getting" you. I can't say there is much else that feels so good as simply being known so well by others and to just enjoy conversation.
-Conversation, you guessed it. Casual stuff is good and enjoyable, but I love deep or interesting or controversial (in a respectful way) conversation, I just love others opinions and perspectives and stories. It's so enlightening and I love that it opens my eyes to new ideas and shifts my outlook on life.
-Church. I love having a place to go every week where I feel at home, useful, have friends and another type of immediate understanding with people who have similar goals and beliefs. I love that I get to see these friends throughout the week.
-Friends. Yeah, I like friends. I'm getting a bit cliched in my list, but I keep thinking of the things I really enjoy and it's seeing and talking to people I like and respect.
-Good customer service. This should be valued HIGH, HIGH above other attributes in hiring people in my professional, consumer opinion. One day when I'm running a company, this will be #1.
-Making up. And making out. Haha, had to add that second part, tapping into my journal days you know?
Q: What's a like and dislike of yours right now?
I don't really have anything to say except that I liked reading your posts today. And I saw you driving down Fair Oaks the other day.
I think I'll blog about likes and dislikes too! thanks for the idea!
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