Hey Friends,
Today in the spirit of sales, my little sister and her friends who run Musana Jewelry have put up a Black Friday Jewelry sale. Before you click to a new page because you're sick of sale updates or home businesses or whatever, this is different. She and her friends make ZERO off of this, they've actually donated their own money trying to get this non-profit charity up and running.
There are women in Uganda who they employ to make cool jewelry and then it's shipped here and they try to sell it. All of the money goes right back to the women and their children, almost all in extreme poverty. A few dollars goes a long, long way to help them feed and clothe their kids. I know first hand how far a buck stretches since I lived there one summer and saw how precious a small sale was for them of any kind of goods.
Part of me feels bad to sell stuff for cheaper than full price since it all goes to the women anyway, but on the other hand, they need to just sell stuff and get publicity out, so take advantage of this today--because it ends tonight.
It's 40% off your ENTIRE purchase PLUS FREE SHIPPING! And you can feel super good about what you're buying and basically be donating to a charity and getting some jewelry of your choice while you're at it. Buy them for Christmas presents, birthday presents, your own present, whatever, but this is definitely a good thing to buy, esp around the holidays.
Here is the email my sister sent out to her friends with more info:
Dear Family and Friends,
I hope this finds you well and enjoying the holidays! I just wanted to write and share a brief update and invite you to share the love. For those who aren't aware, about a year ago, I ran into some friends who had just returned from Uganda and wanted to do something to help their impoverished friends -- and Musana Jewelry was born. Upon their return, I jumped on board and have loved the adventure and am writing to share our message and mission.
Musana Jewelry employs impoverished and disadvantaged women in Uganda, and 100% of the proceeds of the jewelry benefit them and their families. The jewelry is made from unique materials such as coconut shells, recycled newspaper, bottle caps, etc. and today we are celebrating Black Friday with 40% off + Free shipping! Also, on any other day of the week you can get 30% off for simply blogging about us -- see our blog for details.
For more info, visit http://www.musanajewelry.org/ -- we also have some new inventory for Christmas that will be updated soon, you can also easily stayed posted through our facebook page.
Again, I hope you are all enjoying the holidays, it has been a whirlwind of a first year and as a friend thought you might be interested in our venture and what I have been up to. Thank you all for your support and interest and please let me know if you ever have feedback or suggestions. On that note, enjoy and share the Black Friday Love!
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