Last week I went to sleep very tired. It was election night and I'd been up reading about it. That night I expected to drift into a nice heavy sleep but instead I had a couple of nightmares that kept me up all night long. The first was that we (me and my fellow republicans) didn't take the House after all. I was happy to awaken in the morning to discover it was just a bad dream. I just got this and it reassured me that it's still the case:).

My second bad dream was much more horrific and violent that kept me up most of the night. I got up a few times at differing hours--so much for those theories that bad dreams really only last a few minute--trying to shake the dream. There isn't any good reason why I'd explain it now, so I won't, but I will say that if I were interested in making loads of money at the box office, I'd start writing movie scripts that could surely make you wet your pants.
It really irks me though that I get nightmares as often and as graphic as I do. I am what you'd call a seriously conservative movie goer and sissy when it comes to violence, scary stuff, horror, etc., so it's not like I get these ideas or images from anywhere but my own "excellent imagination," as Josh likes to kindly describe it.
While I love my excellent imagination most of the time, it sure can be a curse too! The good news is that I was so exhausted by the next night that I actually slept very solidly, hallelujah!
Q: Anyone else out there suffer from excellently deranged imaginations during the night hours?
I'm with you on the wierd dreams, Afton. My mind conjurs up things, especially when pregnant or stressed, that resemble -- as my brother called it -- "Texas Chainsaw Massacre." I've never seen it, but he had. And, I don't watch scary movies either, or anything close to it!
Sometimes I wish I could just turn off the dream function in my brain. Recently I've had these strange and frightening dreams that don't make any sense, so in the morning I just have this residual bad feeling. Then the next night as I'm drifting off to sleep I start remembering the awful dream I had the night before - it's like returning to bed brings back the random memories and negative emotions from the previous night's dreams.
I dream more vividly (and more "deranged," as you call it) when I'm pregnant. Do you find that your dreams change with the pregnancy hormones? So weird.
You know, I wish it was only a pregnancy thing, but I've had nightmares for years and years. Just one of those great challenges I'm trying to find purpose in!
I wish I had a solution--I need one for Ellie!
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