A couple of weeks ago Josh's parents came down and babysat (at their own offering!) for us to go out for a weekend. We opted to go to Lake Tahoe. I've never been and we both thought it would be the perfect place to feel "Fall." It had been really hot here so we liked seeing that on average it was in the 20s at night during this time, sounded heavenly.
Here is Josh's dad getting the girls into fancy phones and games:).

Just before we take off. The girls were excited too because they were headed to a pumpkin patch right after we left and the beach the next day. They didn't miss us much!

There were so many things that were SOOO fun about this weekend. The fun started when we just got in the car and started to drive away. I kept telling Josh how much fun it was to just be
alone-in the car-during the day! It was totally fun from the second we got in the car.
We passed a McD's on the way out and immediately a sausage biscuit was all I could think about for my second breakfast. You ever feel that way? It's like once I have a craving, it's all I can think about until I get it, even if it's weeks, my craving doesn't go away, I still have to satisfy it! So rather than wait weeks dealing with this, I did a search on Josh's phone and we flipped a U on the highway and went to the closest one. Good thing we did it right away instead of waiting because ends up breakfast ended 15 minutes before we arrived but the good people there must have seen how excited I was and they made fresh (well, fresh for McD's) food for me! I decided to get a Sausage Egg McMuffin while I was at it. They must have had a left over breakfast burrito because she tossed one in for free.
I seriously walked out and said a small prayer to "bless those good people." I managed to convince to eat some of it. But really, I didn't hold back. Being pregnant is the only time I allow myself to eat their sausage biscuits, so I thoroughly enjoyed myself.

And here is a place that if you live in the bay area, you should go. Well, only if you like fine, delicious chocolates and half their normal cost. Josh discovered a
"Ghirardelli Factory Store" sort of on the way (we went to the one in San Leandro, "B"). And although there are multiple stores listed under "factory," the one we went to is where they actually make the stuff, so it might be the cheapest. When you park your car on this sketchy street you'll wonder if you're in the right place, but just open your door, take a breath, and you'll breathe in a seriously strong breath of chocolate air--no joke, it was like you were in Disneyland or something.
They had extra sales on chocolate that would expire in a couple of months, so it was a major discount for their divine dark chocolate mint filled good ones. Can you tell I'm obsessed with food?

And this car just made me happy. Check out the height on that baby!

We were looking forward to making it to the
temple in Sacramento--for a full session and on time. It felt like such a luxury to not be in a hurry for anything and to actually be early instead of our chronically late problem and having to do something other than an endowment session. So we take pics outside, leisurely wander in, thinking we're so early, only to find out that we just missed the last session by a few minutes and the next didn't start for an hour and a half. Um, bummer. We did sealings instead and it was still nice.

Then we were off to Tahoe and let me just say how fun it is to not have to plan a bunch of games, activities, prizes, whatever, to keep the kids happy during the drive. It was so fun to just enjoy the drive and to talk and look at the gorgeous scenery! It was already a successful vacation before we even got there.
We checked into our hotel, which was having a promo because it was sort of off season (yay!) and was smack dab in the middle of the cute shops and all lodge-y. We were not thrilled to find out that there was a $25 valet charge to park there--per night--without any other options. So Josh did us a favor and parked at some casino that was just across the border without a fee and just jogged back. And that saved us $50 + tip. The valet guy was noticeably bugged we weren't using him, kind of funny.
We had a so-so dinner that night with a restaurant.com coupon but they had a to-die for dessert that made it all worth it. Then we walked a few feet past the hotel pool to the movie theater that was right beside a totally fun outdoor ice skating rink (not yet open, but still festive and made it feel like Christmas because it was cold after all!). I was thrilled that
"Secretariat" was out that weekend because I'd been wanting to see it. Josh is far from being a horse lover though and even farther from liking animal movies, so beforehand he said he couldn't think of something he'd rather see less.
Well, let me tell you, I LOOOOVED the movie and it was awesome. I mean, I love horses, and
the story, but still, it was sooo good. And Josh even got into it (as much as Josh does) and admitted to liking it after. I totally wanted to see it again the next night, but I guess once was enough for him.
The next day we went for a drive to a pretty look out and a mini hike. It was gorgeous and the air was so fresh.

I had to take a pic because I loved finally being right in nature, even the parking lot felt like it was part of nature!

I have to explain myself. And I hesitated putting this up. Apparently the parking had a sign for hotel and casino guests. So we figured the best way to honestly be a casino guest was to either buy a vanilla yummy drink at Starbucks for a few dollars or just spend $1 dollar and pull the lever on a machine. We debated for a few minutes about it because I'm against gambling and was standing on principle, but then it was really cheaper than anything else, so Josh convinced me and there goes my first gambling experience. I won us a few more pulls, but no $.

Josh liked my extra pulls. He didn't win though, phew. Then it might be addicting!

This was part of the shopping center we were in the middle of. I loved that it was so close together, so not a lot of walking for my out of shape body, but felt like I was really getting out:). We went to a store, Del Sol I think? and bought the girls some nail polish and plastic rings that change color in the sun--she gave me two bags for the girls too that also change in the sun--sooo fun! They love them.

He was pretty patient while I browsed. Not his thing, but what else is there to do? So nice to have no time restraints!

Supposed to be a shot of the cute shops. I didn't buy anything else, but I just love the quaint feel of the shops.

This was the morning we left. I figured I should at least get up beside the lake before leaving. It was gorgeous!

And then more food. Josh had read about this place called
Sugar Pine Bakery and it's supposedly sent from heaven. Or Paris anyway if you buy a baguette. It lacked serious appeal on the outside, but had gorgeous treats inside that proved to be truly delish.

Last food plug, I promise. I was starving and wanted a good sandwich, but decided I could settle for a bagel because we saw a place and I didn't know when we'd eat if we didn't seize the moment. It was called
Rude Brothers Bagel and Coffee Haus. I was so pleasantly surprised to find out that they had bagel sandwiches and regular sandwiches and a slew of other bakery things and fun drinks. Here is Josh's:

And mine. It doesn't look like much, but I told her it was the best food I'd ever eaten. We went back the next day too and were were two dollars away from hitting their $20 deal card, so she gave it to me anyway which earned me a big ol free drink. I chose hot chocolate, and it was perfect for the cold drizzly weather outside. Can I tell you how fun this was? And she gave us two free loaves of bread the first day because they were about to close and were going to throw it out and gave us another free one the next day. GO THERE.

The girls might not have missed us terribly, but they were excited to see us, esp when they saw we brought them goodies from the bakery.

Hazel finished up a craft with grandma.

In summary, who knew that two days away could be so rejuvenating. It was so fun, and so relaxing. As we sat in the hot tub one day Josh goes, "Isn't this what my life is supposed to be like? Do I really have to go back to work? It seems like that's a different world..." and so it is, but I guess it's what made the trip possible and helps us enjoy the vacation that much more when you notice your life free of stress! It also made it stress free in the child care dept since we didn't have to arrange it, it was offered, and we didn't worry a bit about our kids and knew they were having fun.
Oh, and one night we watched movies in bed since there really weren't any other movies we wanted to see and can I just say that it was so fun to eat pizza in bed while watching movies? And that night #1 dessert--Josh went back and bought me some while I picked up the pizza. I've never been a fan of tv's in the bedroom, but it sure was fun and made me think twice about it!
you are gorgeous. GORGEOUS.
and i hear you on the sausage biscuit thing. i gained 60 pounds with my last pregnancy, much to the thanks of mcdonalds 2 for $3 breakfasts.
not that that's gonna happen to you. you have much more self control than i do...
Lake Tahoe is where we went for our honeymoon. Very lovely. I even recognize the shopping center.
Just another 2 1/2 hours on I-80 and you could have come visited us in Winnemucca....
LOVE it!!!! : ) Afton, such fun pictures and details!! and yes, you are so beautiful, love the hat, shawl, etc. way to work that belly! : ) haha Thanks for sharing!!
Thanks Robin, you are so very nice to the pregnant lady! It was nice to do make up and hair since I never do at home these days! And I hardly have restraint when I'm pregnant, only afterwards--so what is this about 2 for $3 at McDs??????????? I had no idea!!! Thanks for the good news!
Gary, you live in Winnemucca? What? How did I miss this? We've driven through there a few times and are going to make the trip again for Thanksgiving. We're usually trying to cruise through as quick as we can since it's like 13 hours for us, but it would be so fun to see you guys! I think that's where we stopped for food both ways though.
Thanks Teens, it was fun to accessorize since I wouldn't have tikes pulling at me. Working the belly!
So fun to read about your vacation - it seemed like you did so much and then I read that it was only in 2 days!! Crazy what you can do without kids in tow (but crazy how everything in life is more fun once you have kids, so it really works out well when you have kids but can take a weekend getaway without them, right?! =)
Thanks for taking time out to call me on the way home! I was sad I didn't get to hear more details of your trip, so thanks for updating us!
Oh, and I laughed out loud about your leisurely trip to the temple and then ending up late...that's so something that would happen to us. So funny!
Oh, and yes, you look beautiful! Seriously, you're smaller than me and you're like 2 months ahead of me! Rude! =)
So fun! The scenery is gorgeous! And I am seriously starving now after reading all about your yummy food. I am all about good food and good deals.
I love it! How fun! Everything looks and sounded absolutely wonderful!! I'm drooling. You can even pull of pregnancy style. HOW do you do it?!! Yeah, I know what you mean about that craving thing. I totally agree with once you think about it, you can't stop thinking about it. I even swerved off the highway for a McD's hamburger yesterday when I saw the billboard. How gross it that? I really had to laugh that you did the same thing! Sausage? Makes my hamburger not sound too bad. haha
Can I just tell you that I'm so jealous of all of that...SO jealous. What I wouldn't give for that EXACT same situation with my hub. Glad you had a blast before you go to your sleep deprived days with a brandnew baby.
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