After getting a note from my friend about this, I realized this is for your amusement as well as mine, or maybe that's just if you know both people growing up!
You know how fun it can be to have a blast from the past hit you, like when you run into an old friend you haven't seen in years. Well thanks to facebook, I get these more often than our great ancestors of the non-digital world. I don't really get on facebook much, mostly just if someone friends me or if I get a personal note. Such a thing happened and I got an invite with this title:
"Caged Vengeance 8" sent you a message on Facebook...
What in the world is "Caged Vengeance 8" you may ask. I would have asked too, but I had a pretty good idea what it meant, and I couldn't resist taking a peak. It's this

Yep, cage fighting. And apparently this is like the championships or something and that guy in there--not the one in the suit, the fighter, is a guy I used to date in high school. You should know right now that I didn't date much before Josh, I had 3 boyfriends before him and they were mostly short lived, this one included. Three of the four boyfriends, including Josh, were all started by needing a date to a dance, so I suppose thank goodness schools have dances. I hardly dated outside those boyfriends too, which makes looking at my past all the more fun.
I hesitated putting pics of him up here, so I tried to edit him a little for privacy, but I'm pretty sure based on his facebook page he's more looking for the public eye, so I think he'd be happy to get more publicity! I'll omit his name just to be safe. Oh, and I chose to include this pic because it shows the best one of his tattoo across his chest without it being one of his more, um, loving the work he's done on himself shots.
Josh and I were thoroughly enjoying ourselves going through these, and I esp liked this one because at first I thought his tattoo said, "Breakable," and I was like, " What was he thinking??" I think that would have really been a better one though after some consideration because it could be great reverse psychology for his opponents, you know?

I was dating him when he got his first tattoo, a bright orange tiger on his back. He was at my house and showed my family, I made fun of it, mostly because I thought it was a dumb thing to do but secretly I thought, wow, someone really ripped him off, this looks like it was pulled from a coloring book from Aladdin--I'm guessing you don't have a lot of choices to go to when you live in Dresden, Ohio (basket capital of the world with enough senior citizen tourists to rival southern Florida)--that basket below is an office building.

So there you have it. I mostly just found it amusing that I dated both him and Josh, you know because they're so much alike. And just so I don't give the wrong impression, this guy is a really decent guy, he just has some strong personal interests I have found thoroughly enjoyable for some brief entertainment. I'm glad to see that he's no longer pushing people around in the halls of the school and instead doing it in a cage, where people pay to see him and the person he's pushing around wants to be there. And they get to pick cool names for themselves, and who wouldn't? Look at spiderman.
Q: Any of your old boyfriends turn into something "fun" or "surprising?" (and honestly, this guy doesn't fall into the surprise category.)
So was this anyone I knew?
And yes, I can totally agree with the "where does my husband fit in" thing. Actually, two of the guys I dated also went through grad school in engineering, so maybe I had more of a type than I knew? The funny thing is that my husband has met both of them (one from my ward in Michigan, another came to visit us when he was recruiting here at the university) and they all got along SO well. It was nice that they all had a common interest other than dating me. :-)
But some of the other ones just turned into weirdies. The funny thing is that all three of my closest friends in high school are now living in NYC; two of them are not-quite-starving artists, and the other is teaching school in Brooklyn. And another guy I dated (who I would not count as a friend) is also doing the starving-artist thing with them.
(My friend sent this to me and I had to post it since she knew him too)
I gotta say....your blog update made me laugh so hard I nearly peed my pants. I also had to do some internet sleuthing because you did such a good job not giving away true identity with the pictures on your page. That is by far one of the most amusing things I have read in recent history. I can't see he and Josh becoming friends in the near future, but I do agree that he seems to have found a good outlet for the bullying behavior he had in high school. Also, I totally forgot you ever dated him. I can't believe he showed your parents his tiger tattoo. Knowing both of you in high school totally makes this a better story.
Unrelated, I hope pregnancy is treating you well and can't wait to hear more updates on your growing family. However, if you get more updates on cage fighting be sure to let me know.
How is it possible that I never knew about this person????? I think I knew of 2 of the guys you dated. Who the heck is this???? I am dying. This is so funny.
Afton, I didn't know you dated him in high school! (I just had to search for this and see who it was....couldn't resist since I figured I knew him!) I even still live in Dresden, my niece is his cousin, and I had no clue he did this. Very interesting!
Hope all is well with you and congrats on your pregnancy and little boy - they really are a joy but I have found mine to be sooo much different than my girl :)
I just went through a small album from my senior year and there were pics of us in there, including the night he showed us his tattoo! We were arm wrestling as a family that night, maybe I'll post pics sometime. It was fun to see the pics, he really was so fun to be with, he let my little sister paint his nails, he liked hanging out with my family, it was just a fun, short dating time (3 months). Emily, I'll have to email you with more details about this one, it was my first "real" boyfriend. Sarah, that's so nuts you're sort of related to him!
That's pretty funny...In answer to your old high school boyfriend now has a boyfriend. Try to beat that one :)
Oh, and the other high school boyfriend is now deceased. Again, pretty interesting huh? I'm not sure what that says about me...
hehe Melissa-I like your first comment-and who was the second one?
Afton, I got an invite to go to one of his events--NO thanks-not into seeing people kill each other. I definitely thought of you. How NUTS!
Autumn- Michael Herbert was the 2nd one...he died in a car accident a couple of years ago.
ok-I don't know if I knew him?
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