If you've been pregnant, you may feel like me and want to control how you look in at least some way, but that gets trickier and trickier as things keep shifting and growing, so it usually boils down to my hairdo. Last time I was pregnant, and right around this time in my pregnancy, I got sick of my long straggly locks and took a pair of scissors to my hair and went up, up, up and ended at my chin. I surprised Josh at a firm recruiting dinner that night, it was so fun.
I resisted my every urge to do it myself again and to just wait until my friend, and excellent stylist, Lindsey could do it. I'm glad I did, I love it! Unfortunately, I realized it's hard to get a good pic of my hair by myself since I think it looks better farther away (you can see way too much in my facial details up close! I chose the pics with the most washing out by the sun:), but c'est la vie. I'm totally excited about my change!
Next up, dye my hair to blend out those old highlights.
cute! i've always thought you look great with hair that length.
SO cute Afton!!! I absolutely love it!! Does Josh love it?
Oh man I love it!!! it looks so good, have I ever seen your hair that short before? I have always been jealous of your hair.
You look fabulous!
Love it! You look amazing. I was thinking on Sunday how nice your hair looked too so you must have been the only one hating your longer locks :-)
Now I'm tempted to cut mine short again too.
Love it Afton! You are a babe...just so you know. I think I tell you that a lot. Well, it's true!
Beautiful, Afton! Love it!
You look gorgeous always! I love it! I love how you can always cut your own, too - when you want.. like that pony tail do. awesome
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