Warning, this is purely a self-centered realization I happened upon, but I figured it was okay to post since I never noticed the goods when I had them so I'm taking a minute to enjoy my legs of the past:).
I used to keep track of some stats on thedailymile.com or http://www.dailymile.com/people/Afton#ref=tophd and it just popped up in my email saying I hadn't updated in a while. I clicked on my profile pic and wondered if it was warped or something, holy smokes, were those my legs? Where are they, I can't find them! I knew things had changed since then, and not just since becoming pregnant, and it hit me just how much things have changed!

Now? Walk a mile--are you kidding me? Bring me an inhaler. I tried on three pairs of maternity pants yesterday that did fit me during my last two pregnancies, one until the end, and now I can't decently even walk around my own house in one pair and the other is close behind. It was this point yesterday that I started to miss working out and being able to stay in shape like I like. I haven't worked out since I was 7 weeks and did the half marathon, which I should also write about.
I've come up with a few perks of being sick with morning sickness, but the only one I can remember right now is feeling totally justified in not working out because it hardly feels possible. And now at 21 weeks I actually am starting to miss it. Or maybe just healthy legs that can carry me around without aches and fatigue. And can fit into cute pants instead of the kind that keep slipping off my booty and showing off my valuables.
wowzers! i don't think my legs have been that thin since i was 7 years old. maybe 8. i have noticed the shape of my legs has changed since i started running 7 years ago. in a slightly good way...but the thinness is not at its peak.
however, i will say you still look amazing even if you don't feel it. i didn't notice your legs on wed but only because i was busy looking at you darling, tiny belly.
wow, skinny minny! there are seasons for everything, afton...i have to remember that during every pregnancy when travis is off doing triathlons and i'm stuck with a huge belly.
but i did gain alot less weight this last pregnancy and i think it was from the Lindsay Brin workout videos i did the whole 9 months. they're great!! i got them from the library. her 1st and 2nd trimester videos were awesome, i thought. (her 3rd trimester one was wimpy, i only did that one once and stuck to the others the whole time) :) have you done anything like that at home? doing those made me feel better, like i wasn't TOO out of shape.
Thanks Maren:). ANd Julie, I've never heard of those workouts, but I didn't work out my last pregnancy or this one at all, so I'm a bit out of the loop. Maybe I should put a little effort in this time and get those videos! THanks for the recommendation!
Its hard to think your legs have gotten any bigger because you look fantastic now. I can't believe how young City was!!
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