Thursday, August 12, 2010

Amateur Photographer

Hazel asked if she could take a picture after I was taking one of her. I suggested one of the handsome man in the kitchen and she took this shot. She only took one and it happens to be one of my very favorites ever!

Why I love it:

-the angle and centering is fun, fresh and modern and the pic is focused on her daddy.

-I love Josh's expression. If I'd have taken the picture, it would look more like the second picture, a bit sarcastic or sassy or "get out of my face with that thing!" I love how genuine and happy he is here for his little girl, I just love it! What a fun face to look up to.

Hazel's Pic:
My pic:

Q: Do you notice anything different from your kids pics than yours--other than how steady their hand is? Like what they choose to shoot?


Janelle said...

That is a fabulous pic! I can't wait till my girls are shooting photos like Hazel!:)

Jill said...

I love that picture of Josh! That's prob the best I've seen of him. You're right about the centering and looking fresh and modern. How awesome Hazel! Um, Meredith wanted to take some pictures and the first one she got was of me turning around and bending over... a nice rump shot. Guess I didn't think she was aiming at me or close to being ready yet. Yeah, so she definitely captured something I never would have gotten myself:) I like Hazel's work a little better so far! Maybe I should follow your move and direct Meredith towards the man in the kitchen next time :) aw fun stuff...

Jill said...

Also- Hey you should send that picture (or maybe both to show the difference) to a kids magazine or photo contest.

Amy said...

Wow, Hazel's got some serious photographer potential.