Josh came home early!!! His Boston trip was canceled, which means so is his NYC weekend, which is all kind of a bummer for him, but he gets to go in a couple of months. We were the happy recipients of an early arrival. I had huge ambitions when he left to get things done like clean/vacuum the car, clean out and organize and paint guest room, clean and organize closet/craft room and almost zero of it happened. I got the car done an that was it, until yesterday.
My friend Meghan watched my girls while I unpacked and moved things around and around and then Lindsay came over to help me hang shelves. I took a break during the afternoon and then after a long trip to Target to new organizing bins and boxes, the kids went to bed and I got back to work and finally went to bed at 1am.
Here are the before's:

What you can't see are lots of tiny black beads from a bracelet City broke. It had just been filthy for much too long (and our bathroom which I cleaned too:).

Boxes full of craft stuff.

Josh's clothes were just in big piles. I do organize them every once in a while, but he doesn't seem to care as much as I do. Since we are just sort of moving in for real now, we have to sort out all the stuff we put in the wrong places, like princess and Dora games mixed in Josh's stuff.

This is actually an improvement from a couple of weeks ago believe or not, frightening, I know.

Lindsay at work.

Doesn't she totally look like she's one of those design show hosts all cute and dressed up and working? You don't see me for a reason.

Ta-da!!! I can't tell you how exciting that moment was! Finally! I have been wanting shelves in here since we moved in but we've had other priorities. These are the uber cheap shelves from Ikea so it was a nice cheap project. But much easier with two people, thanks Linds!

Hazel had a lot of fun skipping her nap and hanging out with the moms. The other night Hazel goes, "Miss
Lindsay Young is my favorite." Me, "Oh? Why's that?" Hazel, "...mmm...she just is." Me, "I like
Lindsay too, what do you like about her?" Hazel, "Her hair." Me, "I like her hair too." Hazel smiling and animated and still serious now, "I like her poofy hair."
I couldn't help but laugh since she doesn't have poofy hair at all but she has a hard time describing and articulating things, it was so cute and I know it was more than her hair that she liked, she just can't put her finger on it. She did a mother's day survey and said her favorite thing about me is my shirts. Have you seen my shirts? And that's why I'm counting on her just trying to tell me something even if she can't quit figure it out. Hoping anyway that there's more to my than my oh-so-cool t-shirts.

And after!

Ahh, love at last. It's not exactly as streamlined as my office in Houston was, but I'm working in a more cramped space and using what I could find at Target, which happened to be limited. I still can't find a few things from Houston and Josh assures me the movers didn't want my desk organizer and pretty box of ribbons, but it was a very pretty box and made my ribbons look like art.

I even organized Josh's clothes. Sort of had to go get more space for my stuff:). Just need to weed out some of his t-shirts now!

My darling girl loving my clean new space. She loves order, so she was also in heaven in here. I hung those hooks right before Josh came home so I haven't had time to put my necklaces and belts up yet, but they'll finally be hung up appropriately.

I can't explain to you how good it feels to be in there now, I want to get a sleeping bag and sleep in there it's so cozy. I have a lot of work I need to do in here like sort through those boxes of old letters and pictures and painstakingly try to throw a lot away, so at least it's a happy place to do that now.
Q: Do you love organized spaces as much as me?
Nice! I'm so glad my babysitting skills went to such a great cause:).
Congratulations!! Can't wait to see it in person! What a relief. I can feel the clean - ahh.. I am really needing that in some of my rooms right now. I might have to curl up in that sleeping bag outside..
Your closet has a ceiling fan in it?!?!?! It's THAT big. Hmph.
It does look really nice. :)
yes!! i LOVE it! organized spaces make me so happy i could just burst!
I love using power tools! Thanks for allowing me! I am still soooo jealous of your gigantic closet that is the same size as one of our bedrooms! What a dream!
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