I ran the 10K today, but I'm waiting until I have pics so I'll write on that soon. In the mean time, I have to write about the Costco creep I encountered a couple of weeks ago.
I take my kids in and we're cruisin down the main isle and in front of me there was this girl, probably 17, with gorgeous long blond hair and a gorgeous body to go with it--all shown off and sucked in with spandex workout clothes. She was also walking with her mom.
And then there was this late 30s guy next to me, maybe 40s, and he pulls out his iphone and holds it up in camera mode, I checked, and is trying to get a picture of her.
I was so grossed out and appalled (I mean if they were both 17, I get it, I totally tried to take sneaky pics of guys, but face shots!) that I blurted out, "Are you taking a picture of her?" And he immediately got embarrassed and fumbled with his camera and said, "No! I was just trying to figure out my camera mode!" and then beelined left for the first isle to get out of there.
Yes, I said it loud enough for the girl to hear on purpose, I wanted to call the creep out. I wished I would've checked for a ring on him too, who knows what else I would've said. Then I said something about it to the girl who looked a little weirded out by him, but also a little pleased that she was noticed. Can't really blame her, I mean she's a 17 yr old hottie.
But ew ew on the man. I felt a small sense of satisfaction knowing I may have helped one man think twice the next time he wants to do something creepy.
Q: Have you done anything like this--me, not the guy? Report!
that is an awesome story. i love that about you afton. you just have the guts to totally call out a creepy guy!
there have been many times i've wanted to call out somebody in public, but i get too nervous. the thing that really gets to me is the moms yelling at their kids.
i ran out of a bathroom stall once, ready to raise hell, almost in tears because the lady in the stall next to me was being so mean to her little boy. but all i could muster was an "excuse me!" but it didn't even deter her.
another time, in a target, i was appalled at the way a mom and a grandma were treating this poor little boy. i actually felt nauseous. again, i was almost crying. i followed them around a bit with every intention of saying something, but i just couldn't. i did talk to someone who worked there though, and he said they can't do anything. even though it was affecting everyone in the store! it was that bad. i mean, everyone was hearing it. anyway, i left the store physically ill.
i always wish there was something i could do in those instances. i wish i had more guts like you!
i don't have a good story, but that is awesome that you said something! seriously, some people.
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