Friday, May 7, 2010

10K Race Tomorrow

Tomorrow I'm going to run my first real 10K. I ran one once when I was just starting running and I won first out of the women. There were three of us and the other two were middle aged. But I also finished in like 45 min, which in my running condition, I knew was way way way too good to be true. I asked officials (it was a small race, so "officials" is used loosely here) and they insisted it was accurate. We went back and clocked it and they totally forgot a full mile. Oops. Made for an awesome newspaper clipping though.

I haven't been training for this race, which may sound silly since I've been training for a half marathon, but I haven't been doing speed work and I haven't been doing hills. Check out the hills on this course:
I told the guy who's watching our kids I should be under an hour, but that was before looking at this map. Now I have no clue what to expect. The hills crushed me at Boston because I didn't train on them. Thankfully it's just 6.2 miles!

The odd thing is, I was just looking up race info tonight and my stomach started churning, which I thought was surprising. It's a small race, I don't have a shot at doing anything great with my training, so I shouldn't feel pressure or really any anxiety or nerves since it's not my first race or a big one. And yet. (that's for those of you that have read "The History of Love.")

Q: When do you feel nervous or anxious?

1 comment:

joolee said...

I get the most nervous before 5Ks and 10Ks, which seems ridiculous, but those are the races that I try to pick up my speed and usually feel horrible afterwards. There's a 12K I've done twice down in Oregon and the hills are CRAZY! It actually STARTS on an uphill. So I'm always happy to just finish that one... but good luck! I'm sure you'll do fine.