Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Years Resolutions

I still haven't nailed them down yet, I used to just give up if I hadn't decided on them by the first day of the year, but then I realized when I did have them done by the first of the year, my new years resolutions were made in haste and hard to follow. I actually usually do a pretty decent job at keeping them...from a few months to most of a year believe it or not. Maybe that says something about how tough my resolutions are. Oh, and that's only been in recent years when I've stopped dong a page long list and more like 3-5 things and I'll stick with 1-3 of them.

I'm trying to simplify and just pick a few key actions or behaviors I want to work on, and they're different than I've ever done before, but they're what are important to me now and frankly, if I get them out there, I feel a little more responsible for them if I share them.

Since I've sufficiently inspired you with my great discipline and motivation, I'll now interest you with my goals for this year, thus far.

Health: Better posture

Family: Don't yell at my kids (I know, I sort of had a nervous laugh with this too, but I figure it didn't really start until this past year, so I can stop it...right? And it took me a while to accept the word "yell" too since I came up with all sorts of euphemisms, but here's to a year of honesty with self!)

Spirituality: Read the Book of Mormon 10-15 min a day (aim higher right? just remember, this is a commitment so I want to make it something I can really do every day)

Self: Work on self-doubt and stop explaining myself and reasons to others--the way where I have to explain why I do things so you won't get the wrong idea about me, not just my excessive yapping (yes, as I just did above).

-My friend Brittany clued me into my self-doubt when she took me to the airport in Boston after my marathon. I don't remember what she said, but she was sort of laughing and telling me that I'm talented but have a lot of self-doubt. I was shocked since I thought I was pretty self-confident, but then I realized she was totally right and I appreciated her confidence in me and perspective so much! Josh apparently had been telling me this for years so he was glad that I listened to her (I wonder what else I haven't heard?).

More Self: Be more positive.

-I used to be very positive, then I felt like I had to be a realist with others because I didn't like that people thought my life was so perfect and also, if someone asks how you're doing and you're having a crummy day, I think it's sort of dishonest to say, "Great! How are you?" Even though it's supposed to be just a courtesy greeting. Josh disagrees with me here. But the point is, I'm going to just focus on the positive, stop worrying about what other people think and how they treat me--that's the goal anyway.

More More Self: Spend my time more wisely, be more productive.

Coupledom: MORE DATES!!!

Okay, so my list got lengthy, but hey, I figure this will be the best year I've ever had, so I'd better start making it that way! How's that for cheese factor? I'll let you know how I do...

Q: Feel like sharing any of yours?


Courtni said...

i actually have the same resolution as you do for Book of Mormon...and i don't think 10-15 minutes a day isn't aiming high enough, because i think that ANY daily reading is better than no reading at all (which i am totally guilty of...)

i have a lot of other goals for 2010, but my favorites that i dare share are 1)taking one saturday a month to go do "touristy" things that we have never done and 2)to learn to play a new hymn every week

Tristen said...

I'd pretty much have to echo all of the goals that you listed-- right down to the yelling at my kids (also a recent acquisition on my part... something about having to say things 10X starts to wear on a person...). But I've also got a goal to get us ready for church on Saturdays (bags for the kids, snacks, clothes set out and ironed, etc...) so we can maybe have a reverent day and hopefully some day make it through Sacrament Meeting without leaving at least once in the year. I'm aiming high.

But really other than that you've nailed my goals exactly.

Unknown said...

I'll totally help you out with the "more dates" one. We're (at least I) usually home and happy to watch the girls. Even late into the night for a half-sleepover. As for the yelling thing, that's #1 on my list. I'm just way too quick to resort to getting loud.

I am trying to back each of my goals up with a scripture, to help give it more staying power. Still working on that...

Sarra said...

I am tired all the time and I realized it's because I don't go to bed before midnight ever. So one of mine is to go to bed by 10:30.
Another one is to attend the temple at least once every month. There are 365 days in the year, I think I can manage 12 days of temple attendance. ...Although I haven't been able to yet. :( But this year will be better!

Turley Family said...

Whoa! I actually think about that "self-doubt" comment all the time. Today, in fact. My thoughts usual go like this. "I want to do something amazing, like maybe run a marathon. Wouldn't the Boston Marathon be the most amazing thing ever? How could I do that?" {Insert lots of other thoughts about losing 30 lbs of baby fat and learning to run a whole lot faster.} Then I think... "Afton did it. She ran two marathons with kids...maybe more at this point. I'm sure she has sacrificed so much of her free time and sleep to do that. How does Afton manage to be an amazing runner and still question her abilities? How can she run even a single mile at 8 minutes and not run around screaming it to the world as the most incredible achievement ever? How does she manage to have even a tiny hard moment at mile 2 and still make it to the end? I really need to learn how to endure to the end. I'm sure she knows how... Maybe this whole doubting business is her way to help us to all feel a little better about ourselves."

Afton, you are amazing! I'm glad to hear Josh agrees with me. I can't wait for the day when you do fully believe in your own abilities--Watch out 2010! Here comes Super Woman!

Thanks for the post. As for my New Years time.

Love, Brittany

Alicia said...

I loved this post and it made me miss you!! Honestly, why don't we live next door to each other? I mean really, we should work something out. =)
Anyway, good luck with all of those most worthy goals - you cracked me up about the not having to validate yourself while you explained the 'yelling' comment. =) I think you just want to ensure people understand you more than anything.
ANYWAY - I'll be interested to hear how things go for you! I have a few resolutions that I'm working on formulating in my mind right now, I'll put them up on my blog when I have them sorted out - I used to have the same dilemma with the resolutions by January 1st thing, but now I do by January 31st, so I can mull over them and bask in the newness of the year while I think of them.
Anyway...rambling much! =) Miss you!

Autumn said...

Interesting thought on self doubt. Love the dates idea. Yay, never too many of those.